
 PZ's Live Set-up

Technical Requirements



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live set-up

The following is a partial list of items Pamela Z generally carries with her for use in her live performances. (See tech requirements for items the venue or presenter must provide.)

Pamela provides her own:

live set-up | tech requirements | homepage | contact

tech requirements:

Pamela Z's technical needs vary depending on the venue and the program being performed. For most engagements (basic solo voice & electronics concerts), she will require sound reinforcement as detailed below. In some cases (i.e. small venues within driving distance of her home base) she may provide her own P.A. for an additional fee. And for more technically complex productions (i.e. large-scale, theatrical, multi-media performance works) she may require additional lighting and audio/visual equipment and operators and additional load-in/set-up and tech time. Technical riders specific to those works are available upon request. NOTE: Pamela prefers to work in a smoke-free environment.

For Basic Solo Voice & Electronics (and video) Performances:

Load-in & Set-up time: 45 - 60 minutes
Sound-check & tech time: 30 - 120 minutes (depending on complexity of show)

The following is a list of technical requirements (items to be provided by the venue or presenter):

Also helpful:


live set-up | tech requirements | homepage | contact