(all the gnus) |
November 2010 [pz gazzetta vi] news travels goings-on | event details | past gazzetti | past gazzetti |
upcoming event highlights:
Friday, January 28, 2011, 6pm |
[pz gazzetta vi] news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | | past gazzetti
Performances, Residencies, and New Work... |
Gentle Gazzetta Readers: The year is fast drawing to a close, and there is much to report what with recent premieres, artist residencies, and upcoming performances! But I will try to keep it short and to-the-point in this final 2010 issue of my little quarterly digital rag. First of all, I’m just now re-acclimating from the transformative experience that is the Djerassi Resident Artist Program. I spent one month (mid October through Mid November) living and working out of the beautiful composer’s studio on a gorgeous, expansive property of open hillsides and deep redwood forests with hidden sculptures and installations, surrounded by deer, rabbits, lizards, coyotes, snakes, (Neil Young’s) cattle, spiders, birds, and artists. During my time there, I managed to begin work on my new piece “Memory Trace” and do some re-tooling of my MAX MSP performance patch. I also made some headway into the the “weeping steamer trunk” page for my Baggage Allowance web portal – a web-based art work that will be the final phase of the major work that has been my occupation for the last year and half. (When the site launches in the next month or so, I’ll give you a URL...) But perhaps the most exciting result of my Djerassi stay was the gift of seven new friends and colleagues. The other artists with whom I shared my time, media artist Mel Day (Palo Alto), site-specific visual artist Jinnie Seo (Seoul), choreographer Shaun Boyle (London), playwright Paul Young (New York), playwright George Brant, (Providence), visual artist Gustavo Villegas (Querétaro), and poet Ronee Blakley (Encino) were all unknown to me before last month. And now, after all our shared meals, after-dinner socializing, and varying degrees of collaboration, they feel like family! In September, I had my New York premiere of Baggage Allowance. I did a three-evening run of the performance and showed “Suitcase” (one of the works from the media installation) at The Kitchen. The piece, which I had the opportunity to tighten up and develop just a little more since the May San Francisco premiere at Artaud, was well-received. (Look for an article in January’s issue of Art News.) I also showed three of the media works at Open Studios at D.E. (project II) in San Francisco in October. And, as I mentioned above, I’m currently working on the final phase of the piece which will be a web-based art work –drawing from much of the content and concepts in the installation and performance works. I also had a little "Southland" tour in September with concerts and lecture/demos at CalArts, Cal State Long Beach, Centre Stage Theater Santa Barbara, and the Orange County School of the Arts, and I sneaked away from Djerassi in early November to give a concert at UC Irvine. Coming up, I have two solo performances: one in San Francisco and one in Houston, TX. I’ll be doing an intimate concert of works for voice, electronics, and video as part of NEXMAP’s “Double Takes” series, in a private home in San Francisco on December 2nd. The next day, I’ll be traveling to Houston for a December 4th solo performance presented by Contemporary Arts Museum Houston in conjunction with their current exhibition “Benjamin Patterson: Born in a State of FLUX/us”. (Scroll down for the details of these events.) Then, it’s back to the Bay Area where I’ll spend the rest of December in my own studio working on my current projects. And in January and March I’ll be off to another artist residency at the Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga, CA. I wish everyone a warm and love-filled Winter, and hope you are thoroughly enjoying celebrating any and all of the myriad holidays of the season! - PZ |
[pz gazzetta vi] news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | | past gazzetti
[pz gazzetta vi] news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | | past gazzetti Pamela Z is a composer/performer and media artist whose solo works combine a wide range of vocal techniques with electronic processing, samples, video, and gesture activated MIDI controllers. Ms. Z has toured extensively throughout the US, Europe, and Japan. Her work has been presented at venues and exhibitions including Bang on a Can (NY), the Japan Interlink Festival, Other Minds (SF), the Venice Biennale, and the Dakar Biennale. She's created installation works and composed scores for dance, film, and new music chamber ensembles. Her numerous awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Creative Capital Fund, the CalArts Alpert Award, the ASCAP Award, an Ars Electronica honorable mention and the NEA/JUSFC Fellowship. |
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Pamela Z Productions | 540 Alabama Street, Studio 213 | San Francisco, CA | 94110 | tel: 415 861 EARS