(all the gnus) |
August 2010 [pz gazzetta v] news travels and goings on | event highlights | past gazzetti | pamelaz.com |
NEW YORK PREMIERE: Pamela Z score for Mary Armentrout Dance
Pamela Z solo concert as part of Fluxus event |
photo: Valerie Oliveiro |
Taking Baggage Allowance 2,911 miles east after Gentle Gazzetta Readers: 2010 has already been one baggage-filled year and we’re only 3/4 of the way through it! On the heals of finishing my 4 month Baggage Allowance solo exhibition at the Krannert in Illinois and completing my one-week performance run of Baggage Allowance at Theater Artaud in San Francisco, I moved for the first time in 15 years (albeit only 20 feet over). It’s taken me almost all summer to really get myself settled into my new live/work studio (right next door to my old one). |
But also I managed to fit in two trips to New York to rehearse and perform with Rinde Eckert in Elise Kermani’s Film/Performance hybrid "Poe and the Museum of Lost Arts" at Three-Legged Dog. And, I squeezed in the time to remix one of my earlier pieces for inclusion as a bonus track on Air Traffic Control’s benefit compilation "Dear New Orleans”. |
Cover art for Dear NOLA compilation |
Still from Baggage Allowance @ Artaud |
Meanwhile, my calendar for fall has started to get filled in with a number of events and activities in the Bay Area and far beyond. I’m taking Baggage Allowance to NYC next month for it’s East Coast premiere at the Kitchen. Once again the irony of the subject matter comes to the fore as I work on figuring out how to carry-on, check, ship, and/or teleport all of the show’s suitcases, trunks, equipment, and props to New York. I suppose I should choose the subject of my next piece carefully – and perhaps make it about something I really want a lot of.... In addition to my New York performance, this fall I’m giving solo and shared concerts in San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Irvine, and Houston. I’m also composing music for Mary Armentrout’s new dance work, doing a one-month residency at Djerassi (Woodside, CA) and, in early 2011, a two-month residency at the Montalvo Arts Center (Saratoga, CA). Also, quietly but steadily simmering on the back burner is the 2010/11 Room Series. Keep your eyes & ears perked for soon-to-be leaked news of some of the special guests I will be presenting at Royce Gallery. And, before any of the above-mentioned things happen, I’ll be attending and staffing the 11th annual San Francisco Electronic Music Festival at Brava Theater in early September. (Check out the new and improved sfemf.org for the 411 on that.) Hope to see you all at whichever of these performance events happen in a venue near you! Read on for the deets... - PZ |
news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | past gazzetti | pamelaz.com upcoming details:
Pamela Z's BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE See the Baggage Allowance trailer here. news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | past gazzetti | pamelaz.com Pamela Z Score for Mary Armentrout's new dance work: Since this show happens in conjunction with sundown, SHOWTIMES CHANGE each weekend: September 18th and 19th: preshow installations from 6 to 6:30, show starts promptly at 6:30pm September 25th and 26th: preshow installation from 5:45 to 6:15, show promptly at 6:15pm October 2nd and 3rd: preshow installations from 5:30 to 6:00, show starts promptly at 6pm with original sound by Pamela Z, Evelyn Ficarra and Merlin Coleman, and video by Ian Winters, and also featuring Natalie Greene, Frances Rosario and Nol Simonse "You have to be willing to let go of preconceptions of normalcy when you go to a Mary Armentrout Dance Theater concert." - Rita Felciano, SF Bay Guardian
news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | past gazzetti | pamelaz.com Pamela Z performs Solo as part of an evening called "Ruckus" An evening featuring Dichotomous (a company working with Dance and technology with wireless sensors, & projections), Cloud Eye Control (A Los Angeles-based performance group combining interactive media with live performance), and Pamela Z ( a composer/performer working with voice, electronic processing, interactive video, and gesture conrollers). Get Online Tickets. news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | past gazzetti | pamelaz.com Pamela Z performs a solo concert for Voice, Electronics & Video A free, electrifying concert in the Gassmann Electronic Music Series. All original music for voice and electronics by composer/performer Pamela Z Pamela Z performs solo at Contemporary Arts Museum Houston Pamela Z gives a solo concert for voice, electronics, and video, in an auxiliary event to the retrospective exhibition of Fluxus artist Benjamin Patterson. news travels and goings on | event highlights | event details | past gazzetti | pamelaz.com Pamela Z is a composer/performer and media artist whose solo works combine a wide range of vocal techniques with electronic processing, samples, video, and gesture activated MIDI controllers. Ms. Z has toured extensively throughout the US, Europe, and Japan. Her work has been presented at venues and exhibitions including Bang on a Can (NY), the Japan Interlink Festival, Other Minds (SF), the Venice Biennale, and the Dakar Biennale. She's created installation works and composed scores for dance, film, and new music chamber ensembles. Her numerous awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Creative Capital Fund, the CalArts Alpert Award, the ASCAP Award, an Ars Electronica honorable mention and the NEA/JUSFC Fellowship. www.pamelaz.com |
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Pamela Z Productions | 540 Alabama Street, Studio 213 | San Francisco, CA | 94110 | tel: 415 861 EARS