repertoire index | concerts | large scale performance works | chamber works | home PAMELA Z Pamela Z has made a wide range of installation work including stereo tape pieces, multiple-channel surround sound works, single and multi-channel video installations, and installations involving physical (found or fabricated) objects. Her fixed media sound works are appropriate for playback in a listening room or gallery space, a tape music concert, or for broadcast. The installation works that involve video, objects, or some kind of interactive element, are generally best suited for gallery/exhibition spaces.
Here is a partial list of the installation works: |
Fount (2012) Fount is a media installation work involving video projected on two perpendicular planes with audio projected through speakers or a sound dome. When there is no viewer the piece is silent and the image is blurred. The the presence of a viewer viewer brings it into focus and makes the sound audible. On the top plane of a white pedestal that approximates the size of a bathtub, a horizontal image of a basin is projected. Centered and hanging about a foot above it is a vertical screen (36" x 14.5") on which a beaker pouring water is projected. The veiwer sees and hears water being poured into a vessel, which eventually fills and then disolves into an image of ocean. It is a short, time-based work that unfolds over an approximately 1 minute cycle. (Duration: continuous) |
Baggage Allowance (2010) Baggage Allowance (the installation) is part of a sonically and visually layered work focusing on the concept of baggage in all its literal and metaphorical permutations. Through multi-channel sound, interactive video, and sculptural objects, Baggage Allowance explores the connections between people and the belongings (and memories) they cart around. Drawing from Ms. Z’s extensive traveling and cartage experiences, text from found sources, and interviews with travelers who speak poetically about their memories of train travel and flying and their numerous baggage-related stories, the work touches upon the ball-and-chain-ness of dragging one’s things all over the world.The installation consists of multiple audio, video, and sculptural elements including a weeping steamer trunk, a mock X-ray machine that reveals secrets when bags pass through it, and a vintage suitcase inside of which lies a woman sleeping and worrying. The work premiered in a gallery exhibition at the Krannert Art Museum in Champaign, Illinois that ran January through May 2010. Individual pieces from the installation can be shown separately. Selected descriptions follow: |
Suitcase (2010) Part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, Suitcase involves a small, antique suitcase (23" x 16" x 10") open with the video image of sleeping woman projected into it. The internal projection surface of the suitcase is molded so that the projected image has some depth and appears lifelike. Eminating from embedded speakers, one can hear a collage of whispered thoughts along with breathing sounds and the rustling of the blanket. (Duration: continuous) |
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Weeping Steamer Trunk (2010) Part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, Weeping Steamer Trunk is an antique steamer trunk that stands open with a blurred moving image pulsating through a cameo-shaped display. As the visitor opens the various drawers, images come into focus and audio is heard through speakers embedded in the trunk’s upholstery. Objects tucked in the drawers also become visible when the drawers are opened. A variety of objects are revealed including a tiny model of a Victrola, a drawer filled to the top with hair, an old throat ice bag, a small locket containing photos of my parents, a pair of white gloves, and a drawer filled with the old family photos. |
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Bag X-Ray (2010) In this part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, visitors are asked to place their bags on a moving conveyor belt. When a bag enters the enclosure a camera grabs its image. The computer analyzes it for size and shape, selects from a database of surprise images, and superimposes a size-appropriate object on the bag. There are some 30 possible objects including a pistol, an engraved knife, a chest x-ray with a beating heart, hypodermic needles, an Emmy, small live animals.
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Baggage Allowance (2010) Part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, this is a single channel video composition about baggage in wide HD with a collaged text score. Can be projected or shown on a display (on a wall or embedded in a pedestal) |
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Parts of Speech (1998/2009) Parts of Speech (the installation) is an offshoot of Pamela Z's1995 radio work and 1996 performance work exploring language. It involves objects (found and made), projected image, and multi-channel audio segments. Some of the pieces within this installation were created in 1998 during the year of the Theater Artaud performance, and addtional pieces were made for a solo "Parts of Speech" exhibition at the Chico University Art Museum in 2009. Individual pieces from the installation can be shown separately. Selected descriptions follow: |
Parts (1998) From a larger work Parts of Speech, this is a four-channel sound installation comprised of four small cloth-bound grammars with small speakers mounted on the front covers. They hang in a formation that surrounds the listener. Each has a channel of audio containing speech fragments that randomly combine to make sentences, as the the four channels play in concert. |
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Parts of Speech (1998) From a larger work Parts of Speech, this is a stereo sound installation comprised of nine 10” x 8” transparencies each printed with a part of speech. They are hung at about eye level across a wall spaced evenly apart to create a sentence diagram. (Alternatively the text could be painted or vinyled directly on the wall.) A pair of headphones or a sound dome is hung at a good viewing distance from the wall (or a pair of speakers is mounted on either side of the text on the wall.) A series of randomly generated sentences is played with each word spread across the stereo field to match up with the position of the appropriate part of speech. Though meaningless, the sentences are all grammatically correct. |
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Sonic Gestures (2007) Sonic Gestures is a video installation that premiered in April 2007 at Recombinant Media Labs in San Francisco. Consisting of ten frame-locked channels of HD video composed of fragmented gestural images and 16 channels of audio, Sonic Gestures surrounds the audience with a virtual chorus of chattering, whispering, singing, and ever transforming sonic entities. This piece, which was commissioned and presented by NexMap, was designed as a site-specific piece for the immersive 360º video and sound set-up at RML. |
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Lift (2005) Lift is a multi-channel, site specific sound installation commissioned by the Tang Museum in Saratoga Springs, NY for their "Elevator Music" series. The piece involves layers of sound recorded in various elevators with samples and voice-overs recorded in Pamela Z's studio. Lift had its premiere at the Tang Museum November 2005-January 2005, where it was exhibited in the museum's ample elevator. Quoted from the installation wall commentary from the exhibition at the Tang: |
Forensic Art (2002) |
Timepiece Triptych (2008) Declaratives in the First Person De-Star Spangled Banner Syrinx |
Just Dust (2008) |
Metal/Vox/Water (2001) |
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Pamela Z: Fount (2012) Fount is a media installation work involving video projected on two perpendicular planes with audio projected through speakers or a sound dome. When there is no viewer the piece is silent and the image is blurred. The the presence of a viewer viewer brings it into focus and makes the sound audible. On the top plane of a white pedestal that approximates the size of a bathtub, a horizontal image of a basin is projected. Centered and hanging about a foot above it is a vertical screen (36" x 14.5") on which a beaker pouring water is projected. The veiwer sees and hears water being poured into a vessel, which eventually fills and then disolves into an image of ocean. It is a short, time-based work that unfolds over an approximately 1 minute cycle. (Duration: continuous) |
Pamela Z: Suitcase (2010) Part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, Suitcase involves a small, antique suitcase (23" x 16" x 10") open with the video image of sleeping woman projected into it. The internal projection surface of the suitcase is molded so that the projected image has some depth and appears lifelike. Eminating from embedded speakers, one can hear a collage of whispered thoughts along with breathing sounds and the rustling of the blanket. (Duration: continuous)
Pamela Z: Weeping Steamer Trunk (2010) Part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, Weeping Steamer Trunk is an antique trunk that stands open with a blurred moving image pulsating through a cameo-shaped display. As the visitor opens the various drawers, images come into focus and audio is heard through speakers embedded in the trunk’s upholstery. Objects tucked in the drawers also become visible when the drawers are opened. A variety of objects are revealed including a tiny model of a Victrola, a drawer filled to the top with hair, an old throat ice bag, a small locket containing photos of my parents, a pair of white gloves, and a drawer filled with the old family photos.
Pamela Z: Bag X-ray (2010) In this part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, visitors are asked to place their bags on a moving conveyor belt. When a bag enters the enclosure a camera grabs its image. The computer analyzes it for size and shape, selects from a database of surprise images, and superimposes a size-appropriate object on the bag. There are some 30 possible objects including a pistol, an engraved knife, a chest x-ray with a beating heart, hypodermic needles, an Emmy, small live animals. |
Pamela Z: Baggage Allowance (2010) Part of the larger work Baggage Allowance, this is a single channel video composition about baggage in wide HD with a collaged text score. Can be projected or shown on a display (on a wall or embedded in a pedestal) |
Pamela Z: Parts (from Parts of Speech) (1998) From a larger work Parts of Speech, this is a four-channel sound installation comprised of four small cloth-bound grammars with small speakers mounted on the front covers. They hang in a formation that surrounds the listener. Each has a channel of audio containing speech fragments that randomly combine to make sentences, as the the four channels play in concert. |
Pamela Z: Sonic Gestures (2007) Sonic Gestures is a video installation that premiered in April 2007 at Recombinant Media Labs in San Francisco. Consisting of ten frame-locked channels of HD video composed of fragmented gestural images and 16 channels of audio, Sonic Gestures surrounds the audience with a virtual chorus of chattering, whispering, singing, and ever transforming sonic entities. This piece, which was commissioned and presented by NexMap, was designed as a site-specific piece for the immersive 360º video and sound set-up at RML. |
Updated 7/9/12 12:18 PM