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Azdine Sedjal is an artist whose work is conceptual in nature and addresses changes over time through the manipulation of natural materials and technology. He works with small quantities of earth, water (liquid and frozen), and bits of organic matter which, with the aid of scanning and projection equipment, he assembles into a myriad of evolving, imaginary landscapes. He frames his works in such a way that we perceive them not as static objects, but as real time experiences. In one work, for example, what appears at first to be a still projection changes before our eyes into a "motion picture", as the ice inside of the slide frame begins to melt. In another, an empty gallery slowly becomes enveloped by a cascade of flowing folds of paper, as messages from around the world are transmitted to a fax machine mounted in the rafters.

After studying art in Algeria, Mr. Sedjal received his MFA in sculpture from Arizona State University in 2000 and a National Superior Diploma of Art from Ecole D'art-Aix-en-Provence, France in 1994. His work has been exhibited in galleries at home and in Arizona, California, Colorado, France, and Morocco. He has taught art courses at Arizona State University School of Art, and in Algeria and France. He worked at the Exploratorium Museum of Art, Science, and Human Perception in San Francisco, and he was awarded a 2001 artist residency at the Tryon Center for Visual Art in Charlotte, NC.

photo: Jeff Cravotta


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(site created by Pamela Z)